Water & Sewer Service Outside City Limits
Extra-municipal servicing refers to the City of Regina water
distribution, wastewater collection or septic tank wastewater discharge,
Historical Election Results
The Regina Municipal and School Board
election is held every four years. ...
Emerald Ash Borer
The Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive species beetle that attacksand kills Ash trees.
Water Utility rates fund investment in the safe operations of our
water and sewer system.
Appointment and Authorization of City Officials Bylaw
The Appointment and Authorization of City Officials Bylaw was established to appoint and authorize City officials as required by various provincial statues. It also enhances transparency to the public when authorizations and/or delegations are made. ...
Recreation Facilities
Enjoy year round sport, fitness, leisure, cultural and arts programs
offered by the City of Regina at our indoor and outdoor facilities around town.
Design Standard - Open Space
View the Open Space Design Standard Manual.
Every time you flush the toilet, take a shower or wash the dishes, you send wastewater down