Chad is a dedicated community member with a strong background in managing large-scale projects. As a committed husband, father of two and long-time community member, Chad is deeply invested in Regina's future. With a degree in mechanical engineering, Chad has experience working in both the private sector and with crown corporations, bringing a diverse perspective to problem-solving and innovation. He has also led and contributed to numerous volunteer organizations, including the North Central Community Association and several school councils. Chad is deeply committed to making a positive impact in his community.
Chad’s experience, coupled with his passion for improving our city, complement one another and contribute to his forward-thinking vision. He believes in the importance of strategic infrastructure investment, process improvement and fiscal responsibility to ensure a thriving city. In addition to addressing financial and operational challenges, Chad is passionate about tackling social issues such as public safety and houselessness and strives to make Regina a safer, more affordable and inclusive place for everyone.
You can invite the Mayor to your next event or meeting, request written greetings or congratulatory messages, or request a proclamation. Please provide as much notice and information as possible.