Assessment Values
The City determines your commercial property's assessed value by comparing your property with sales of other properties using the Cost Approach and Income Approach.
The Cost Approach is used for estimating market value-based assessments that estimates the depreciated replacement cost of the buildings (as of a Valuation Date), plus the value of the land. The Cost approach is based on the principle that a potential purchaser would pay no more for the property than the cost of its replacement. Depreciated replacement costs are determined by using rates from Marshall Valuation Service cost manuals.
The Income Approach to Value, also referred to as the rental income approach, is used to estimate market value-based assessments by analyzing the anticipated future benefits or income from a property and converting this income into an estimate of present value. The Income Approach will reflect what has occurred in the real estate market and, as there are fluctuations in the real estate market, this will be reflected in the values produced by the Income Approach.
Check My Assessment
The City of Regina encourages everyone to review their property's assessment online through the property search. Make sure the primary property characteristics displayed are correct for your property. Do some research and see if assessments of similar properties in your neighbourhood are similar to your assessment and determine if your property's fair value assessment is reflective of the sale prices of similar properties in the reference year.
Field Sheets and Property Characteristic Reports are available for further, more detailed review of the property assessment record. For owners, these may be accessed online through the Assessment & Tax eProperty portal; third parties can purchase the reports through our Assessment & Tax eServices portal. You can also request these reports by contacting our Customer Service team at
The primary property characteristics that determine a property's assessed value using the Cost Approach include:
- size of buildings on your property
- construction quality of building(s)
- style(s) of building(s) on your property
- effective age(s) of building(s) on your property
- condition(s) of building(s) on your property
- your lot's size
The Income Approach does not consider the income from your business. The Income Approach considers only the income related to the real estate, such as what the property is or can be rented for.
To calculate your property's assessment using the Income Approach, the City refers to several years of data to stabilize a property’s income and expenses.
The City of Regina reviews information about commercial properties obtained from recorded property characteristics, building permits, site visits and land title information.
The City also, collects information on the Income and Expenses of commercial properties through annual information requests to property owners.
The City uses this information along with the rules and regulations set out by legislation in the Saskatchewan Assessment Manual to calculate the property’s assessed value.
During an inspection, Assessors may examine both the interior and exterior of any buildings on your property.
If the Assessors cannot view a building's interior, they may make inferences based on information obtained from viewing properties from the outside.
All City of Regina Assessors carry photo identification with them and will show it to you upon request.
To learn more about assessment, you can also visit Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency or Publications Saskatchewan to access all online publications of all provincial regulations and documents including assessment.
Income & Expense Information Requests
As commercial, industrial and multi-family properties are valued on the Income Approach through mass appraisal valuation, we require the owners of income producing properties to provide sufficient income, expense and vacancy information. This data is essential for the City to develop assessment models which produce a fair assessment valuation of these types of properties.
In order to ensure that property assessments are accurate and up-to-date, the City of Regina gathers data under the authority of Sections 171 & 172 of The Cities Act. Legislation states that assessment appraisers “may, at any time, request any information or document that relates to or might relate to the value of any property (land & improvements) from any person who owns, uses, occupies, manages or disposes of the property”.
The Act also contains provisions that enable assessment appraisers to request information or documentation that relates to the income generated or expected to be generated by any property, as well as the property expenses incurred or expected to be incurred.
Information Provided by Property Owners
In addition to the Owner Contact Information and the Certification page, all Commercial and Multi-family properties must provide an annual Income and Expense Statement. Properties that are leased or rented must also provide detailed Rent Roll information.
For convenience, property owners may submit this information in their own format, such as reports from a computer system, if they have provided a complete response to the request.
City of Regina assessment personnel are available to answer your questions, provide electronic versions of the information requests, or to aid in filling out the forms. You can contact us at 306-777-7929 or email Please indicate that your inquiry is regarding an "Income and Expense Information Request".
The City of Regina recognizes that information required may be personal, confidential or sensitive. Steps have been taken to ensure that information is kept secure and confidential in accordance with confidentiality provisions in Section 171 of The Cities Act and other legislation. Assessment appraisers who acquire or have access to this kind of information must keep that information confidential and may not use it or disclose it for purposes other than to determine the value of any property.
All personal information collected on these forms is handled and maintained in accordance with the City of Regina's Customer Privacy Policy.
The City may also send a letter each year reminding property owners to comply with the request. The Cities Act requires a response within 30 days of the request for information and sets out penalties for non-compliance.
Your Assessment Notice
A Notice of Assessment is an official document mailed to a property owner that contains the information shown on the Assessment Roll for that property.
During a revaluation year, every property owner will receive a Notice of Assessment. In other years, only property owners that have a change in their property assessment or tax status from the previous year will receive a Notice of Assessment.
View a sample Notice of Assessment
Importance of Assessment Roll
The Assessment Roll lists assessments for all properties in Regina. Review the information shown on the annual Assessment Roll to check if your name, address and school support and your property's assessed value are correct and that all parties registered on the title are shown on the Notice of Assessment.
Assessment Notice Declaration
Property Owners can declare a single member of the ownership group to receive notices for their property. For more information on declaring one individual to receive notices, please call 306-777-7240.
Provincial legislation requires that the assessed value of all properties within Saskatchewan be updated every four years. 2025 is a revaluation year and property assessments will be updated to reflect more current property values.
Appeal Your Assessment
Submit Assessment Appeal
Speak to a City of Regina Assessor if you have questions about your assessment. They will explain how your property value was determined. If after speaking with an assessor you still feel there is an error in your assessment, you can submit the online Assessment Appeal Form to the Board of Revision.
You may file an appeal if you feel there is an error involving:
- Property valuation
- Property classification
- Exemption
- Preparation or content of the Assessment Roll
- Preparation or content of your Notice of Assessment
There is a fee to file your appeal. Fees are set out as such:
Residential (single family) | $30/property |
Condominium (residential) | $30/unit |
All Other Properties: | |
0 to 499,999 (Total Assessment) | $150 |
500,000 to 1,000,000 (Total Assessment) | $500 |
1,000,001 and over (Total Assessment) | $750 |
You can pay by phone (using Visa or Mastercard), cash or cheque. Cheques should be payable to the City of Regina.
Mail or deliver your appeal form and payment before the appeal deadline to the Secretary of the Board of Revision at 2476 Victoria Avenue, PO Box 1790, Regina, SK, S4P 3C8. Failure to submit required information and fees by the deadline will result in your appeal being dismissed.
Authorizing a Third-Party Agent
As an owner, you have the ability to authorize a third-party Agent to appeal the assessment of your property on your behalf. Effective January 1, 2022, the process of authorizing a third-party agent has been modified. Authorization of a third-party Agent may be requested when you submit the online Assessment Appeal Form to the Board of Revision. Please complete the Agent Authorization Form and email it to
Withdrawing Your Appeal
To withdraw, you must notify the Secretary of the Board of Revision in writing before your hearing date. If you withdraw 15 days or more before your hearing, your appeal fee will be refunded.
Your Appeal Hearing
The Secretary of the Board of Revision will notify you in writing of the date, time and location of your hearing at least 30 days before your hearing. Postponements are only granted under exceptional circumstances.
- Regular appeal processes: Any written material and photographs you provide in support of your appeal must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board of Revision and the City Assessor at least 20 days before the date of your hearing.
- Simplified appeal process: You are eligible for the simplified appeal process if your appeal is for a single-family residential property, residential condominium unit or any property that has a current fair value assessment of $750,000 or less. If you qualify for a simplified appeal process and request it on your assessment appeal form, you can provide any written material and photographs in support of your appeal to the Board of Revision and City Assessor on the day of your hearing.
At Your Appeal Hearing
On the day of your hearing, the Board of Revision will hear appeals in the order they appear on the docket. You must address your comments to the Board through the Chairperson when presenting your arguments. You can have a witness appear on your behalf.
You may be asked questions by the Assessor or the Board members after you present your argument. Then the Assessor has an opportunity to present information with respect to the property. At this time, you will have the opportunity to ask the Assessor questions.
When all evidence has been presented, both you and the Assessor, may present final arguments to the Board.
The Board's Decision
After the hearing, the Board will finalize their decision and send you notification of their decision by registered mail. You or the City Assessor can appeal the Board's decision to the Saskatchewan Municipal Board Assessment Appeals Committee (SMBAAC). SMBAAC appeals must be received within 30 days after being served with a written notice of the Board of Revision's decision. If you or your agent do not attend your Board of Revision hearing, you give up your right to appeal to the SMBAAC. For more information about SMBAAC appeals, call 306-787-2658.
Appeal Timeline
Appeals must be received by the Secretary of the Board of Revision within 30 days after the date on which the Notice of Assessment is mailed.
Days before your appeal hearing |
What to expect |
30 | The Board of Revision notifies you in writing of the date, time, and location of your hearing. |
20 | Submit any written material or photographs to support your appeal to both the City Assessor and the Secretary of the Board of Revision (for regular appeals). |
15 | Last date you can withdraw your appeal and have your appeal fee refunded. |
10 | City Assessor provides material to both you and the Secretary of the Board of Revision to support the City's position (for regular appeals). |
5 | Provide your response to the City Assessor's material to both the Secretary of the Board of Revision and the City Assessor. |
2 | Last date you can request a recording be made of your hearing. |
30 days after you receive the Board's decision |
Last date you can appeal the Board's decision to the Saskatchewan Municipal Board Assessment Appeals Committee. |
Assessment Model Narratives
The information below will provide you with more detailed assessment documentation for each of the City of Regina’s models.
Commercial |
The commercial model is an income model that values all general commercial properties except for major enclosed shopping centres and office properties. |
Shopping Centre |
The Retail-Enclosed Shopping Centre model is an income model that values the four large enclosed shopping centres in the city – Southland Mall, Northgate Mall, Cornwall Centre and Victoria Square Mall. All other smaller shopping centres and power centres are valued by the Commercial model. |
Office and Parkade |
The Office model values all office properties in Regina. The City classifies these properties in the same manner as the local commercial office market; this model uses the descriptions provided in local industry publications and classifies these properties accordingly. The Office model applies to office properties in Regina classified as A, B and C. The parkade model is an income model that values free-standing parking structures located within the downtown core. Generally described, these are income-producing parkades that rent on a monthly, daily or hourly basis to serve the downtown community. |
Accommodation |
Hotel/motel properties are classified and grouped according to generally accepted Accommodation Industry practices, including motels, limited-service hotels, select-service hotels, and full-service hotels, among others. These are generalized definitions; a hotel/motel property may not meet an exact definition however is placed in the classification that best fits the individual property. |
Mixed-Use |
The Mixed-Use model is an income model that values all mixed-use income-producing properties. Generally described, these properties combine either commercial or industrial space, with residential dwelling units. |
Multi-Family Low Rise |
Low-Rise Apartments are valued in the Multi-Residential Model and are typically buildings less than 6 stories and consisting of four or more rentable units. These buildings either have a common entrance or entrances to the building, with access to the units from an interior hallway (Apartment Style), or without common entrance to the building with individual access to the units (Garden Style). The Multi-Residential Model is an income model that values all the multi-residential properties in Regina. Multi-residential properties include non-condominium properties with four or more units, and apartment units typically located on upper floors of office and retail properties. Separate rental models are developed for each of these property types. |
Multi-Family High Rise |
High-Rise Apartments are valued in the Multi-Residential Model and are typically buildings with 6 stories or more and consisting of four or more rentable units. There is a common entrance or entrances to the building, units are accessed from an interior hallway. These buildings typically have elevators. The Multi-Residential Model is an income model that values all the multi-residential properties in Regina. Multi-residential properties include non-condominium properties with four or more units, and apartment units typically located on upper floors of office and retail properties. Separate rental models are developed for each of these property types. |
Multi-Family Townhouse |
Townhouse Properties are valued in the Multi-Residential model and are typically two-story units with basements, all floors occupied by the resident. Each unit has private entrances and are either in a row or back to back. The Multi-Residential Model is an income model that values all the multi-residential properties in Regina. Multi-residential properties include non-condominium properties with four or more units, and apartment units typically located on upper floors of office and retail properties. Separate rental models are developed for each of these property types. |
Warehouse |
The Warehouse model is a direct sales model that values all warehouse type properties in Regina, including storage warehouses, light and heavy industrial and distribution warehouses. Warehouse properties that are considered special purpose in nature or for which there is little or no available market data (sales) are valued outside of this model using the Cost Approach to Value. |