Residents can help this plow be more effective and efficient by:
- Removing your vehicle from the street on your plow day. This will help for a safer and more effective plow as the equipment doesn’t have to weave in and out of the lanes.
- Be neighbourly and offer to share your driveway when possible.
Snow ridges will be left behind the plow equipment, however, by moving your vehicle, the ridge can be more consistent along the parking lane rather than extending into the driving lane.
Stay back at least 15 metres – or 3.5 car lengths – from the equipment. If you see a group of graders and trucks working in a staggered formation, do not drive in between them for your safety and the safety of crews.
Dates are subject to change. Should Regina receive another snowfall during the residential plow, the plow would be paused and crews re-deployed to work on major roads and intersections to ensure they are safe and passable. Once that is completed, the residential plow would resume. Residents will be notified accordingly.

Check the Map
Click on your neighbourhood to see the date snow plows will be in your area.