As per section 91 of the Traffic Bylaw, vehicles not redeemed within 30 days from the date of seizure will be deemed as lost or unclaimed property and the City shall have the right to recover the costs associated with the seizure through the sale of the vehicle at public auction.

Personal Property Release Information

In the event you, as the vehicle owner, need to retrieve any personal property from the vehicle, a Personal Property Release form will need to be obtained from the City of Regina at City Hall during regular business hours. Proof of ownership and valid photo ID is required. Forms will be issued only to the registered owner of the vehicle in person. Once the form is approved you can go to the storage compound to retrieve your personal property. Only the registered owner will be allowed to access the vehicle. You will be required to show identification at the storage compound before being granted access to your vehicle.


Your vehicle will be towed to an impound lot. If you want your vehicle released, you – as the vehicle’s owner – must pay ALL of the following charges:

  • any outstanding fine amounts
  • any outstanding late payment charges and costs
  • any outstanding lien charges
  • towing fee
  • daily storage fees


If you do not pay these charges after your vehicle has been towed and impounded, the City of Regina will mail an Intent to Sell Notice to you at the address on your vehicle registration. The Intent to Sell Notice states:

  • the City has seized and impounded your vehicle(s)
  • information about the vehicle(s) affected by the lien such as make, model and year
  • the amount of unpaid parking fines, late payment charges and costs, lien charges, towing fees and daily storage fees as of the date the vehicle was seized and impounded
  • the date that all unpaid fines, charges, and fees must be paid (15 days after the Notice is issued)
  • If you do not pay in full all unpaid fines, charges, and fees within 15 days, the City of Regina will sell the vehicle(s).

Vehicle Liens

A lien is a claim that someone has against an item, such as a vehicle, as security for money that is owed. The City of Regina can register a lien against any or all vehicles owned by you if both of the following conditions exist:

  • You were convicted (by default conviction or conviction after a trial) or plead guilty to a parking offence and the court imposed a fine, late payment charge or other cost
  • You have not paid your fine, late payment charge or other cost in full

Notice of Lien

The City will mail a Notice of Lien to you at the address on your driver’s licence when it places a lien on any or all of your vehicles. The City will also send a copy of the lien to any other registered interests or lien holders associated with the vehicle. The Notice of Lien states:

  • Why the lien was registered
  • Information about the vehicle(s) affected by the lien such as make, model and year
    amount of unpaid parking fines, late payment charges and costs as of the date the lien was registered
  • The date the lien and all unpaid fines/charges/costs must be paid (15 days after the Notice is issued)
  • If you do not pay all unpaid fines/charges/costs within 15 days, the City of Regina can seize, impound, and sell any or all of your vehicles.