2024 Household Travel Survey
We are conducting a citywide Household Travel Survey to gather data on how residents travel throughout the Regina area and region. The results will help guide future infrastructure decisions, including road improvements and public transit upgrades.
The survey will be conducted by R.A Malatest & Associates Ltd, a Canadian research firm, on behalf of the City. Selected households across the Regina area will be invited to participate, ensuring the survey reflects the city’s diverse population.
Selected households will be contacted through mail and can complete the survey online or over the phone by calling toll-free at 1-855-688-1137. The survey will take a few minutes to complete, but the insights gained will have a long-lasting impact on Regina’s future transportation planning. The survey will run from October through November 2024.
Expand this section to read more.
Q: What is the 2024 Regina Household Travel Survey?
- A: The survey is a voluntary household travel survey that collects information about daily travel. Survey participants are asked about each member of their household’s (5 years of age or older) travel on the previous day. The information collected by the survey will be used to plan Regina’s future transportation system and services with consideration for all modes of travel such as walking, cycling, transit and motor vehicles. A Household Travel Survey was last completed in Regina in 2009.
Q: Is this survey legitimate?
- A: Yes. Randomly selected households from across the study area will receive letters from the City inviting them to participate in the survey. About 2,500 households will be surveyed.
- For questions about transportation research in the City of Regina, including this survey, please e-mail:
- Crystal Phillips
Coordinator, Transportation Master Plan, Integrated Engineering Services, Sustainable Infrastructure
- Crystal Phillips
Q: Who will conduct the survey?
- A: Canada-based research firm R. A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. is conducting the survey on behalf of the City of Regina.
Q: Is the survey mandatory?
- A: Participation in the survey is voluntary yet important! Only a limited number of households are invited to join the study, so the few minutes you take to participate will have a big impact. By representing your community, you will ensure that your survey accurately portrays travel patterns for residents of your area.
Q: Can I participate if I wasn’t selected?
- A: The City appreciates your enthusiasm for wanting to be a part of this important initiative, however, only those randomly selected households that received a letter in the mail, inviting them to participate are eligible.
Q: What if I need help completing the survey?
- A: Please email info@reginahts.ca or call 1-855-688-1137 for any help completing the survey.
Q: When will the results be made available? Will they be public?
- A: We expect the results to be available in the summer of 2025. A summary of the results will be made available to the public.
Q: When does the survey close?
- A: The last invitations will be mailed out at the beginning of November. The City expects the last survey responses to be collected around the same time.
Q: What questions are asked?
- A: The survey will collect information about your household, members of the household and trips they made the previous weekday.
Q. What will be done with the data collected from this survey?
- A. The information gathered by the survey will help the City better understand residents’ current travel patterns, transportation choices and trip purposes. Your responses will be combined with other responses in your area and the results will be used to help plan the future transportation system and services required for our City.
Q: Who will be surveyed?
- A: Households are randomly selected from a survey area that includes the City of Regina, and surrounding areas including the rural municipalities of Sherwood, Edenwold, Lumsden, Pense, and Longlaketon.
Q: How long will the survey take?
- A. Online, the survey takes 10 to 25 minutes or more depending on your household size and number of trips.
Q: I’m retired / I don’t travel anywhere / I don’t often leave the house. Should I participate?
- A. Yes, residents who do not travel are just as important as those that do. Your survey answers will help build a snapshot of the travel patterns of the population as a whole, including people who did not travel on the day for which travel information is being provided. Your participation will ensure that the survey reflects the make-up of the general population.
Q: Can the survey be completed over the phone?
- A: Yes. To make an appointment to be interviewed please phone 1-855-688-1137. Please leave a voicemail that includes the date and time as well as your household’s secure access code, found on the advance letter. In mid-October, some households in areas with low response rates may be contacted by Malatest by telephone. Malatest may also follow up with some households who already completed surveys to clarify their answers.
Q: Can the survey be completed online?
- A: Yes. Click on the survey login button to begin your survey. The survey can be accessed by entering the household’s secure access code found on the advance letter.
Q: Can the survey be completed in a language other than English?
- A: Surveys can be completed online in English and French. Surveys may be completed by phone interview for other languages. If you have received a survey invitation and are unable to complete the survey, please phone 1-855-688-1137 and we will make all efforts to arrange for assistance to ensure that you are able to participate.
Q: How can I participate?
- You may choose to fill out the survey online by signing in on the home page using the secure access code provided on the first page of the letter you received. If you begin the survey online and require assistance, we also provide phone-in support between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays and 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sundays at 1-855-688-1137.
- You may also choose to give us a call at 1-855-688-1137 during those same hours and one of our professional interviewers will be happy to conduct the survey with you over the telephone.
Q: How will I benefit?
- A: You will know that you have contributed to a vitally important research study. The last survey was conducted in 2009, and travel patterns have shifted since then, so your contribution makes a difference!
Q: How was my household selected for this survey?
- A. The City was divided into survey zones, some closely following neighbourhood lines, others divided into further zones. A target number of responses was set by Malatest and they have decided how many households in that area would need to receive an invitation in order to reach the target responses. If your household was selected, congratulations! You were one of the lucky few to be invited to participate!
Q: Why does the survey ask for personal information (I.e.: race/ ethnicity, household income, gender, age etc.)?
- A. Collecting sensitive information helps the City understand the demographic composition of travelers in a region. It also ensures that the results represent the current demographic make-up of the population. This information is crucial for assessing how different groups use transportation systems, identifying disparities, and ensuring that transportation policies and services are equitable.
Q: Why do you collect information on children?
- A. We know that travel patterns of households can be impacted by commitments around children in the family such as pick up or drop off trips to/from school or childcare, sporting and other academic or extra-curricular activities.
Q: How is my privacy protected?
- A: The City is committed to protecting your privacy. Collection of information for the survey is being undertaken in accordance with Saskatchewan's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).
- Your survey data will remain confidential and will only be analyzed when combined with the information of other households. Data collected through this survey will be used by the City of Regina for future transportation and land use planning purposes. It may not be accessed or used for other purposes except as required by law.
- Any personal information obtained from each household through the survey is processed, stored, and used in a form that does not permit any particular household to be identified. Your contact information will not be shared with anyone for any purpose outside of this survey.
Contact Us
To contact us with your questions or comments, email travelsurvey@regina.ca, submit a Service Request online or call Service Regina at 306-777-7000. Your request will be forwarded by the next business day to the person or department indicated in your message.