Regina Designated Tree City of the World for Fifth Consecutive Year Tree Seedling Giveaway June 5
Regina Designated Tree City of the World for Fifth Consecutive Year Tree Seedling Giveaway June 5
The City of Regina is proud to be recognized as a Tree City of the World by the United Nations for the fifth year in a row. ...
Control and Destruction of Rats
Rats are very destructive creatures. They destroy and contaminate food, and through their tunneling activities, undermine the foundations of buildings, sewer and water lines, and city streets. ...
Water and Sewer Utility Bylaw
The Water and Sewer Utility Bylaw was established to regulate and control water use in our community by private individuals and/or companies.
Water and Sewer Utility Bylaw
Didn't find the bylaw you were looking for?
To find more City Bylaws, please visit the Regina Open Data website.
Wastewater and Storm Water Bylaw
The Wastewater and Storm Water Bylaw was established to regulate the collection and disposal of wastewater and storm water.
Wastewater and Storm Water Bylaw
Didn't find the bylaw you were looking for?
To find more City Bylaws, please visit the Regina Open Data website.
13th Avenue and Edward Street
13th Avenue and Edward Street
Between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., on Tuesday, November 12, 13th Ave westbound lanes will be closed while crews repair sewer covers. Traffic can turn north onto Lewvan Drive.
Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Waste
On November 22, 2023, City Council passed waste management requirements for the Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (ICI) sector. All businesses, institutions, and organizations within Regina city limits will soon be required to have a multi-stream waste management program where ...
Shannon Road and McDougall Road
Shannon Road and McDougall Road
Between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., on Monday, September 9, this intersection will be restricted while crews complete sewer relining.
Zoning Bylaw
goods and services. Mixed Commercial MH Mixed High-Rise Allows for medium-intensity commercial and
mixed-use development along non-local streets, key transportation
corridors and near transit stops. Large Format Commercial MLM Mixed Large Market Allows for
high-intensity commercial and mixed-use development comprising of planned shopping centres and
major business groupings oriented around arterial streets and key
transportation corridors. Other Commercial OA Office Area Allows for limited medium-intensity
office development outside the Downtown by restricting the type, scale and size of buildings and
uses. Industrial Zones Zone Code Zone Name Development Types Industrial Light IL Industrial Light
Allows for low and medium-intensity industrial development as well as small scale commercial
activities to support industrial uses and their employees. Industrial Heavy IH Industrial Heavy
Allows for high-intensity industrial development, limited consumer-oriented non-industrial land
uses for retail or wholesale purposes, and small scale commercial activities to support industrial
uses. Industrial Prestige IP Industrial Prestige Allows for low-intensity industrial development in
suitable locations in or near neighbourhoods with a mix of uses to ensure an appropriate transition
between non-industrial land uses and higher-intensity industrial land uses. Direct Control District
Zones Zone Code Zone Name Development Types DCD - Downtown DCD-D Downtown Allows for the
development of a mixed-use environment supporting the Downtown as the City’s main business center
and the primary employment, civic and cultural hub. DCD - Former Diocese of Qu'Appelle DCD-QP
Former Diocese of Qu’Appelle Lands Allows for a broad range of mixed-use and residential
development that compliments, links and forms part of the culturally-sensitive adjacent land and
designated heritage buildings. DCD - Saskatchewan Drive DCD-SD Saskatchewan Drive Allows for the
sensitive redevelopment of lands adjacent to the CPR mainline between Albert Street and Elphinstone
Street. DCD - Centre Square DCD-CS Centre Square Allows for a wide range of dwelling, office,
service and retail land uses to promote the gradual intensification of the area bound by 13th
Avenue, Broad Street, College Avenue and Albert Street, while complementing the Downtown. DCD -
Dewdney Warehouse District DCD-WH Dewdney Warehouse District Allows for the re-use of existing
buildings and expansion of new and established businesses on historically sensitive lands along
Dewdney Avenue between Albert Street and Broad Street. DCD - Chuka Blvd Mixed DCD-CBM Chuka
Boulevard Mixed Allows for pedestrian oriented mixed-use development that builds a unique sense of
place in the Greens on Gardiner along Chuka Boulevard. DCD-Exhibition Grounds DCD-RExG Regina
Exhibition Grounds Allows a variety of compatible land uses, consistent with the City Centre’s
various policies. Provides the long-term land use development and control of the Exhibition Grounds
in accordance with the REAL’s Master Site Plan. Special Zones Zone Code Zone Name Development Types
Special - Contract C Contract Allows for singular, unique development opportunities permissible by
means of a contact agreement between the property owner and the City. Special - Institutional I
Institutional Allows for the development of facilities that are institutional, community or of
public service in nature. Special - Urban Holding UH Urban Holding Allows for an orderly transition
of agricultural land to other uses in areas planned for eventual urban development, as well as the
protection of lands envisioned for future development or in the floodway that is not suitable for
development. Special - Railway RW Railway Allows for development on lands directly associated with
the provision of transportation by railroad, switching and terminal operations. Special - Public
Service PS Public Service Allows for the development and preservation of active and passive
recreational uses. Overlay Zones Zone Name Zone Code Intent Overlay Zone Application Architectural
Control District Overlay Zone AC The Architectural Control District Overlay zone is intended to
preserve the physical character of an area or promote an established theme; and preserve the
physical character of the Former Diocese of Qu’Appelle Lands site by ensuring development is
complementary to existing heritage buildings and adjacent neighbourhoods and requiring that any new
development shall adhere to one of three traditional architectural styles: Tudor, Colonial, or
Craftsman. The Architectural Control District Overlay zone designation shall only be applied to an
area where the Official Community Plan sets forth guidelines for the architectural detail and
design of buildings in a particular area. Aquifer Protection Overlay Zone AP The Aquifer Protection
Overlay zone is intended to protect the Regina aquifer system from contamination from development
activities; and ground water resources from contamination in accordance with the Official Community
Plan. The Aquifer Protection Overlay zone shall apply to those portions of the Regina Aquifer
system lying within the City of Regina and shown on Figure 8B.F.1, Regina Zoning bylaw Chapter 1.
See ^1 Residential Density Overlay Zone DEN The Residential Density Overlay zone is intended to
allow the City to establish a limit on the amount of Dwelling Units that can be developed in a
particular area or development. The Residential Density Overlay zone will be applied to control the
density of a development relative to what would otherwise be permitted in an area. The Residential
Density Overlay zone shall only apply to a lot zoned to allow a Dwelling land use. Floor Area
Overlay Zone FA The Floor Area Overlay zone is intended to modify the floor area of buildings or
structures in areas or neighbourhoods where unique conditions or unusual circumstances make the
control of floor area ratio necessary to protect public safety, views and light. The Floor Area
Overlay zone shall be applied to modify the development standard for maximum floor area ratio of a
site in an underlying zone, including those sites subject to a floor area ratio density bonus.
Floodway Overlay Zone FW The Floodway Overlay zone is intended to restrict development in areas of
the city that, under current conditions, are subject to periodic flooding and accompanying hazards;
prohibit new construction or other improvements or developments that would obstruct or divert the
flow of water within the floodway will be prohibited; and allow land uses with low flood-damage
potential and no obstructing flood flows to the extent that they are not prohibited by other
legislation. The Floodway Overlay zone shall apply to all areas of the City identified under the
Canada/Saskatchewan Flood Damage Reduction Program, and located within the floodway of the Wascana
Creek, Pilot Butte Creek, North Storm Channel, South Storm Channel and Chuka Creek. Holding Overlay
Zone H The Holding Overlay zone is intended to retain lands or buildings for specific future uses;
and be used as one of the mechanisms for implementing the Official Community Plan policy to permit
future development only in serviced areas, or areas where the economic extension of infrastructure
is feasible; and permit development only after Council has removed the overlay to support
development on the lands. The Holding Overlay zone will be applied by Council to specify the use to
which lands or buildings may be put after the holding symbol is removed in accordance with section
71 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007. Height Overlay Zone HT The Height Overlay zone is
intended to modify the height of buildings or structures in areas with unique conditions, special
circumstances, or where relaxed development standards are appropriate. The Height Overlay zone
shall apply to the following: (a) all development on properties that are within the horizontal
surface of the outer limits, approach surfaces or transitional surfaces, as defined in the
Aeronautics Act, 1985 and Regina Airport Zoning Regulations. The applicable area is shown in Figure
8G.F.1 for reference purposes only. (b) lands in the vicinity of the Wascana Centre, as shown in
Figure 8G.F.2 for references purposes only; (c) any other area at the approval of Council See ^2
Noise Exposure Forecast Overlay Zone NEF The Noise Exposure Forecast Overlay zone is intended to
ensure that no dwellings are developed within certain noise exposure forecast (NEF) contours, as
stipulated by the Official Community Plan. The provisions of this subpart shall apply to all
properties that fall entirely or partially within the area of the 30 Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF)
contour or higher [as per the Noise Exposure Projection (NEP) for 2024, or as may be amended by
Transport Canada from time to time]. Pipeline Corridor Setback Overlay Zone PL The Pipeline
Corridor Setback Overlay zone is intended to establish a minimum setback requirement for permanent
buildings and structures located on properties adjacent to existing or future pipeline corridors to
ensure that new developments in proximity to pipeline facilities do not affect the safety and
integrity of those facilities or endanger the safety of the public. The provisions of this subpart
shall apply to all new development on properties located adjacent to a pipeline corridor.
Residential Infill Development Overlay Zone RID Residential Infill Development Overlay zone is
intended to establish specific requirements for buildings and structures located within Regina’s
infill boundary. The Residential Infill Development Overlay zone shall apply to all lots within the
area of the infill boundary as shown on the Figure 8K.F.12. See ^3 Railway Setback Overlay Zone RS
The Railway Setback Overlay zone is intended to establish setback requirements for residential
buildings and structures located on properties adjacent to existing or future rail rights-of-way.
The Railway Setback Overlay zone shall apply to any lot where a dwelling may be developed that is
within the close proximity to a lot that contains existing or future rail rights-of-way. Lane
Access Overlay Zone LA The Lane Access Overlay zone is intended to allow flexibility regarding
front and lane access to residential lots on a block face. The Lane Access Overlay zone shall
apply: (a) to lots zoned residential; and (b) on an entire block face identified through the zoning
amendment application review as being appropriate for having both front and lane access with due
consideration to the utilization of infrastructure, surrounding land uses, safety or other factors
deemed necessary by the City. Floodway Fringe Overlay Zone FF The Floodway Fringe Overlay zone is
intended to reduce flood losses by prescribing performance regulations and special review
procedures for the development of residential and nonresidential structures; and allow development
that complies with relevant flood proofing regulations. The Floodway Fringe Overlay zone shall
apply to all areas of the City identified under the Canada/Saskatchewan Flood Damage Reduction
Program, and located within the floodway fringe of the Wascana Creek, Pilot Butte Creek, North
Storm Channel, South Storm Channel and Chuka Creek. Al Ritchie Neighbourhood Overlay Zone ARN The
Al Ritchie Neighbourhood Overlay Zone (ARN Overlay Zone) is intended to establish specific
requirements for buildings located within the policy area of the Al Ritchie Neighbourhood Plan
(Part B.19 of the Design Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2013-48). The ARN Overlay
Zone shall apply to all lots within the Al Ritchie Neighbourhood, as shown in the Al Ritchie
Neighbourhood Plan and Figure 8O.F1. See ^4 ^1 Figure 8B.F.1: Page 7 --
^2 Figure 8G.F.1: Page 32; Figure 8G.F.2: Page 33 --
^3 Figure 8K.F.12: Page 49 --
^4 Figure 8O.F1: Page 60 --
Permitted Uses On Your Property The Zoning Bylaw 2019 has information on permitted uses and
regulations for developing on your property. Learn more about the requirements for parking
vehicles, putting up signs, building on your property and operating a residential business. Parking
a Vehicle Review parking tables in the applicable zone within the Zoning Bylaw for information on
off-street parking, residential and non-residential parking. Note that, motor vehicle parking
requirements shall be interpreted as recommendations not as requirements. However, requirements for
bicycle parking, accessible parking, etc., shall be interpreted as requirements. Sidewalk crossings
(i.e. driveways) must be approved by the City. View the Driveway & Parking Advisory. Building
On Your Property Visit the Building and Demolition section if you're planning to build a deck,
garage, or an addition to your home. You must obtain a building permit before you begin
construction. ...
City of Regina Holiday Schedule - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Monday, September 30, 2024
City of Regina Holiday Schedule - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Monday, September 30, 2024
Civic Offices: Closed
Landfill: Open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Entry gates close at 6:45 p.m. ...
Rental Properties
Landlords and property owners are required to follow certain fire
safety regulations for rental properties.
Special Polls
Special polls have been established for voters at hospitals, seniors’
centres and special care homes.
2021 Approved Budget Report
View the 2021 Council Approved General/Utility Operating and Capital Budget.
Affordable Housing Contact List
View the list of organizations and developers who provide affordable housing.
Route 30 University - Rochdale Express
View transit express route 30 travelling between the Universityand Rochdale.