Record of Decision - APPROVAL
View the Record of Decision - 4801 Optimist Drive
PL202400089 - Record of Decision
Record of Decision - 5048 Sherwood Drive
Foundational Commitment CSWB Plan
View the Foundational Commitments of the Community Safety & Well-being Plan.
Cart Collection Enforcement
This provision was established to help reduce alley litter and debris in the community as litter,
debris, and untidy properties negatively impact the environment,
residents’ quality of life and aesthetics of the city. Violations Property owners can receive a
cart tag and letter for the following cart violations: Overfilled cart, preventing the lid from
closing. Material beside cart or on cart lid. Material in garbage cart not bagged. ...
Contact Us
06-777-7000. Your request will be forwarded by the next business day to the person or department
indicated in your message. Our employees work in an environment and
treat customers and co-workers in a positive and respectful manner that is polite and courteous. To
promote respectful behaviour in the workplace, please ensure your request is constructive and free
from disrespect or hurtful language. Submissions determined to be profane, inappropriate,
offensive, or hateful will not be actioned or responded to. ...
PL202400093_Rec_20240730 - Record of Decision
Record of Decision - 668, 672 & 676 Solomon Crescent
Inclusive & Adapted Programs & Services
uide for current program dates and times. Swim Programs & Lessons Adapted Leisure Swim Enjoy a
leisure swim in a relaxed, warm, and accessible pool environment,
established for persons experiencing disabilities, their families and supports. The program takes
place at the Sandra Schmirler Leisure Centre and the Northwest Leisure Centre. ...
Street & Park Naming
the public, developers and members of City administration. The Committee considers applications
which identify names, events or other aspects of the environment.
The Committee works with the Regina Public Library Board and others in the community as required to
do background research on proposed names and makes recommendations to the Regina Planning
Commission on policy changes. ...
Building Codes & Bylaws
building standards through National Building Code. National Building Code addresses: Safety Health
Accessibility Fire and structure protectionsEnvironment Free
National Code Digital Access Here Provincial Government The provincial government sets
province-wide standards through The Construction Codes Act, approves supplemental standards set by
municipalities and licences building officials. Saskatchewan Construction Standards Appeal Board
hears appeals from building owners regarding application of accessibility standards and compliance
orders issued by building officials. ...
Water Master Plan
The Water Master Plan is a comprehensive Water service planning document designed to support the OCP Community Priorities.
Bus Operator Jobs
can vary substantially. Working hours can include split shifts, weekends, early mornings, late
nights, and statutory holidays. As this is a unionized environment,
shift scheduling and vacation requests are based on seniority. City of Regina Bus Operators are
skilled professional drivers who provide excellent customer service while transporting citizens in
a safe and courteous manner. ...