Service Notices
The Recreation Master Plan guides future decisions on the delivery of recreation programs and services in Regina. The Plan, developed in consultation with user groups, stakeholders and the community, addresses the current needs of our growing and changing population, and provides a framework for the sustainable delivery of quality recreation programs and services into the future.
The Cultural Plan provides strategies and recommended actions that will leverage and nurture Regina’s diverse cultural resources to build the capacity of Regina’s cultural community. The plan will set out the City’s role in cultural development, as well as approaches to cultural heritage preservation and conservation, and how we can more fully integrate cultural development into municipal planning and decision-making.
The Parks Master Plan (2024) guides future decisions on the development and redevelopment of parks and open spaces in Regina. It provides a way forward to sustain, improve and develop Regina’s parks and open space system over the next decade and beyond. The Plan, developed in consultation with the Indigenous Community, user groups, stakeholders and the public, addresses key challenges including the changing needs of the community, ecological concerns and evolving recreational trends and provides a framework for the sustainable delivery of quality parks and open spaces.
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Service Regina
Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Closed Weekends & Stat Holidays
Queen Elizabeth II Court
2476 Victoria Avenue
Regina, SK Canada
Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Closed Weekends & Stat Holidays
Queen Elizabeth II Court
2476 Victoria Avenue
PO Box 1790
Regina, SK Canada
S4P 3C8