Snow Routes Declared
The City of Regina has declared snow routes in effect. This means there is no on-street parking along the identified routes for a 24-hour period. This parking ban allows crews to plow the roads from curb to curb, improving traffic flow along the busy roadways. It will also help ensure roads are passable for emergency response vehicles.
Effective 6 a.m. Thursday, February 6, there is no parking on snow routes until 6 a.m. Friday, February 7.
Blue signs with a white snowflake identify the snow routes. There will be no parking on these streets during the 24-hour ban. Vehicles which remain parked on the snow route during the temporary parking ban will be ticketed and could also be towed to an adjacent block during the plow.
Get alerts to move your vehicle! Download Regina’s Sweep&Plow app or sign up for custom phone or email notifications on the City’s website at Residents can also follow the City’s Facebook and Twitter accounts to find out when snow routes have been declared.