Be Safe and Stay Off the Ice
With the sudden arrival of winter weather, Regina Fire & Protective Services reminds residents to stay off the ice on all bodies of water, including Wascana Lake and Creek, storm channels and retention ponds. Although ice may look safe, it is not.
Residents should not walk, ski, skate, bike or play on any body of water. When walking close to bodies of water, dogs must be kept on a leash. If a pet breaks through the ice, residents should not attempt a rescue as it endangers themselves and others. Instead, call 911.
Residents looking for recreation and leisure activities this winter are encouraged to visit for a complete list of affordable and accessible programs.
Parents and guardians are asked to talk with children about staying off the ice.
If you see anyone, particularly children, close to thin ice, call Regina Police Service at
306-777-6500. In an emergency involving people or pets, call 9-1-1.