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Pay my Water & Waste Bill

The City of Regina offers several different ways to pay your Water & Waste Bill:

  • Online or Telephone Banking - Contact your financial institution to set up your Water & Waste account for online/telephone payments.
  • Direct Debit from your Chequing Account - By enrolling in the Direct Debit Plan you authorize the City to automatically withdraw monthly deductions from your financial institution to pay for your utility bill. You will continue to receive your bill for your records. The full amount of the bill is automatically withdrawn within 15 days after the bill is issued (the date shown at the top of the bill). To sign up, complete the Water & Waste Account Direct Debit & Budget Billing Application.
  • Budget Billing Plan - An equalized payment is calculated based on the last 12 months of water, sewer, drainage and waste charges. To enroll in the Budget Billing Plan, you must have at least one consecutive year of billing history at the same address and remain in billing year-round to be on the Direct Debit Plan and not move out of billing for an extended period during the year. To sign up for the Budget Billing Plan Option, complete the Water & Waste Direct Debit & Budget Billing Application and select the Budget Billing checkbox.
  • In-person at City Hall by Cash, Debit or Cheque - Pay your Water & Waste Bill at the cashiers located on the main floor of City Hall on weekdays, 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. We accept Interac™, cash, cheques and money orders. No credit card payments are accepted in person.
  • Using the 24-hour Payment Drop Box - After hours, you can drop off a cheque in the drop box, located outside the front doors of City Hall. If you use this option, include your payment stub with your cheque.
  • By mail - Attach your payment stub to your cheque and mail it to: Water & Waste Billing, City of Regina, PO Box 5022, Regina, SK S4P 4J3. To avoid late penalties, ensure your payment is mailed at least one week before payment is due.
  • Pay Online by Credit Card - This service has a convenience fee. In some cases, it may take 3 to 5 business days for the transaction to reach the City. You are responsible for making sure your payment is received by the due date. If your payment arrives past the due date, you will be subject to late payment penalties. To pay online, go to

Collections of Past Due Accounts

Water & Waste bills are due upon receipt. If the account is unpaid 30 days after the bill is issued, the account becomes past due. A customer is notified of past due accounts via:

  • Water & Waste Bills
  • Delinquency notices
  • Disconnection notices

Customers with past due balances are subject to collection activity. Provincial legislation allows all municipalities to enforce payment. The City of Regina may take the following actions to collect overdue Water & Waste accounts:

  • Disconnection of service
  • Transferring balances to property taxes
  • Placing the account with an external collection agency