Accepted wastewater comes from construction and excavation sites, septic and holding tanks, chemical or portable toilet or other wastewater holding structures. Users and generators must ensure that any industrial, commercial or institutional wastewater has City approval before it is disposed at the Hauled Wastewater Site.
Haulers must have an annual permit to dispose of wastewater and are charged a per-use disposal fee. There are no registration or payment facilities on-site and access is only allowed with an active Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) Tag. Permits are issued based upon the vehicle’s tank capacity as determined in the Wastewater and Storm Water Bylaw. Permits are monitored using RFID and provide site usage tracking for billing purposes.
Returning Users
Permitted haulers must renew their permits annually by completing the Annual Use Renewal form. Permits are issued for the same calendar year and not prorated. Applicants are encouraged to renew before their permits expire.
New Users
Apply for a Permit
- Complete the Hauled Wastewater Site Application Form. Applications must be completed electronically, except for the signature, or it will not be processed.
- For businesses without established credit with the City, complete the Application for Credit Terms.
- If credit is approved, the customer will receive monthly invoices showing site usage. Credit terms are detailed on the Application for Credit. Application for credit does not guarantee credit approval.
- Print and sign the form. Scan and email to or deliver it to City Hall during regular business hours.
- Permits can take up to 10 business days to issue, depending on the conditions being requested.
- Once the permit is approved, the applicant will be contacted to for site orientation within three business days.
- Following site orientation, the Applicant will receive an RFID Tag(s) and be able to access the HWS.
Find answers to commonly asked questions about the Hauled Wastewater Site
How much do the annual permits cost?
Permit fees are based on the vehicle’s tank capacity as described in Schedule E.2 of the Wastewater and Storm Water Bylaw. The annual permit fee is calculated using the following formula:
(Tank capacity m3 ÷ $0.455) x number of remaining months x yearly rate
Example: Where the tank capacity is 10m3 and the yearly rate is $8
: (10 m3 ÷ $0.455) x (12 x $8)
: (21.978) x $96
: Current Year's Permit Charge = $2,109.89
What is the per-load volume charge?
Disposal fees are set to recover the costs of operating and maintaining the site. The fees are a flat rate, based on the truck’s tank capacity, per disposed load as described in Schedule E.3 of the Wastewater and Storm Water Bylaw. The volume charge per load is calculated using the following formula:
Tank capacity m3 x disposal fee
Example: Where the tank capacity is 10m3 and the Current Year's disposal fee is $15.72/m3
: 10m3 x $15.72/m3
: Current Year's Volume Charge per Load = $157.20
How do I make changes to my permit?
For changes to permitted vehicles, such as license plates or addition/removal of vehicle, complete the appropriate section in the Hauled Wastewater Application and email it to
For changes to your company name, customers must reapply by completing the Hauled Wastewater Application and Application for Credit Terms and submit appropriately.
What should I do if the RFID Tag is damaged or lost?
A unique RFID access tag is issued to each permitted vehicle. Replacement tags may take up to three business days to re-issue. Complete Parts A and C on the application and email it to You will be contacted about the issue once the application has been received.
What should I do if the RFID Tag is defective?
If the RFID Tag does not work and is not physically damaged, please contact Service Regina at 306-777-7000. You will be contacted to help resolve the issue. Defective RFID Tags may take up to one full business day to re-issue.
How are surcharges calculated and when are they applied?
Surcharges are applied when the wastewater is above the surcharge limit for that particular substance and calculated based on Schedule C of the Wastewater and Storm Water Bylaw. Surcharge fees may be applied as treatment costs rise as the concentration of some substances increase. To recover the higher treatment costs, surcharges are applied.
How do I know if my load will have surcharges applied?
Surcharges are only applied to non-residential loads. If you are hauling non-residential wastewater, you must ensure that the generator you are hauling for has received permission from the City to dispose of the load at the Hauled Wastewater Site. The City will approve the wastewater based on analytical data presented to the City from a laboratory accredited by the Canadian Association of Laboratory Accreditation (CALA).
Are fats, oils, and grease (FOG) accepted?
Yes, however surcharges may apply to any loads that exceed surcharge parameters. To see surcharge values please refer to Schedule C of the Wastewater and Storm Water Bylaw.
Is car/truck wash or mechanic pit grit accepted?
No, grit is not accepted.
Is car/truck wash or mechanic pit wastewater accepted?
If the wastewater from the pit is separated from the grit and it does not have parameters above those listed in Schedule B - Restricted Substances or contain any prohibited substances (Schedule A), the wastewater will be accepted at the HWS. Parameters above Schedule C, may result in surcharges being applied.
Why isn’t hydrovac waste accepted?
The large amount of solid material that accompanies hydrovac waste clogs the station and prematurely fills the sludge chambers at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
I haul/generate ICI, what is the process to dispose it at the HWS?
- Contact Service Regina (306-777-7000) and request to speak to Environmental Services.
Inform Environmental Services what the waste is, the quantity of waste to be disposed and how the waste was generated. - Provide Environmental Services with a list of parameters that you believe need to be tested. If Environmental Services believes extra testing is required, they will inform you.
- Submit laboratory results in PDF format to Environmental Services.
- Environmental Services will either approve or reject the waste to be disposed at the HWS.
- Surcharges may apply to the approved waste.
- Contact a permitted wastewater hauling company.
- Ask the generator for proof that the City has approved the waste for disposal at the HWS.
- If the generator provides proof of approval, haul the waste and dispose it at the HWS.
- If the generator cannot provide you with proof, refuse to haul the waste and state the steps necessary to obtain approval.
What happens if there is a spill?
If an unintentional spill of a prohibited substance, or one that has the potential to harm the environment and/or City infrastructure, has taken place, refer to the Spill Response Procedure, then complete and submit the Spill Report Form within 48 hours of the spill.
How do I keep track of the loads I’ve disposed at the HWS?
A completed Disposal Manifest must be deposited in the HWS drop box for each and every load.
Where do I find the rules for using the Hauled Wastewater Site?
Refer to the Hauled Wastewater Site Code of Practice for site rules, policies and definitions.
Contact Us
P: 306-777-7000