Where to Vote
Find your designated polling location by looking up your address at My Voter Info. This tool will also show your ward and school subdivision.
Ward Boundaries & Subdivisions
Recently, a ward boundary review took place to ensure equitable representation from ward councillors. These new ward boundaries will come into effect for the 2024 Election.
Use the Interactive Map below to check which ward and school subdivision you're in for this year's election. You can also use the My Voter Info tool to look up your polling location, ward and school subdivision.
Free Transit on Election Day
Free transit will be available for both conventional and Paratransit users on Election Day, including your return trip.
Regular Polling Stations
Polling Area |
Poll Name |
Address |
1 |
St. Matthew School |
4710 Castle Road |
2 |
St. Anne’s Catholic Church |
1701 Cowan Crescent |
3 |
Douglas Park | 635 E. Douglas Avenue |
4 |
Shiloh Assembly Apostolic Church | 1600 Broadway Avenue |
5 |
Dr. A. E. Perry School |
93 Lincoln Drive |
6 |
Home Inn and Suites |
4801 Harbour Landing Drive |
7 |
Ecole Harbour Landing |
4419 James Hill Road |
8 |
Argyle Elementary School |
3215 Lakeview Avenue |
9 |
Lakeview School |
3100 20th Avenue |
10 |
Cathedral Community Centre |
2900 13th Avenue |
11 |
W.S. Hawrylak School |
2530 Assiniboine Avenue E |
12 |
Wascana Plains School |
5125 E Green Brooks Way |
13 |
St. Gabriel School |
3150 Windsor Park Road |
14 |
Wilfred Walker School |
2102 E Wagman Drive |
15 |
Victoria Square mall |
2223 Victoria Avenue E |
16 |
Henry Braun School |
710 Graham Road |
17 |
Dr. George Ferguson School |
117 Brotherton Avenue |
18 |
Arcola Community School |
2315 Abbott Road |
19 |
Mitakuyé Owâs’ā Centre |
1770 Halifax Street |
20 |
Eastview Neighbourhood Centre |
615 6th Avenue |
21 |
St. Gregory School |
302 Upland Drive |
22 |
Imperial School |
200 Broad Street |
23 |
Gladys McDonald School |
335 N Garnet Street |
24 |
mâmawêyatitân centre |
3355 6th Avenue |
25 |
Lawson Aquatic Centre |
1717 Elphinstone Street |
26 |
Martin Collegiate |
1100 McIntosh Street |
27 |
St. Francis School |
45 Mikkelson Drive |
28 |
St. Josaphat School |
140 Greenwood Crescent |
29 |
Ruth M. Buck School |
6330 7th Avenue |
30 |
W. H. Ford School |
480 Rink Avenue |
31 |
Ecole St. Angela Merici |
6823 Gillmore Drive |
32 |
Comfort Suites |
4300 Diefenbaker Drive |
33 |
St. Bernadette School |
727 McIntosh Street N |
34 |
St. Timothy School |
280 Sangster Boulevard |