Open Data

The City is committed to a transparent and accountable government.

Recognizing the public’s right of access to City information, the Open Data website provides free and open access to City data and information for download or viewing in various formats. This allows you to do data analysis, mapping, chart creation and develop applications. Over 300 datasets are available with more being added regularly.

Getting Involved

Engagement between the City and the public is important, and the City encourages you to participate in the following:

  • Suggest a Dataset: Interested in a specific City of Regina dataset? Look at what we already have published and if we don’t have what you’re looking for suggest a dataset you’d like to see published.
  • Showcases: The City would like to showcase applications created by the public using the City’s data. If you’ve developed an application or visualization, use our Contact Us page so we can showcase your application.
  • Contact Us: Complete the form to submit questions, opinions or comments about the City of Regina Open Data website, or to submit an error report.
Open Information

The City of Regina proactively discloses internal records that are likely to be of interest to the public as well as certain records that have been requested through the Access to Information process.

All records are managed in accordance with The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  For more information on privacy and access to information contact

Open Engagement

Open Engagement provides the public with a platform for open dialogue.

The City of Regina uses Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to provide up-to-date and relevant information to citizens. Citizens can also comment, post and interact with us using these tools.