The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy ActOpens in new window (LA FOIP, the Act) promotes the openness and transparency of municipal government. The Act enables any person to apply for access to records held by the City.
Access to Information Requests
You have a right to request any records in the possession or control of the City of Regina. Records can include information that is written, photographed, recorded, digitized or stored in any manner but do not include computer programs or other mechanisms that produce records.
Exemptions may be applied to protect certain information from disclosure. Individuals have a right to the protection of their personal information held by the City. There is a provision in the Act for independent review by the Office of the Information Privacy Commissioner of the City’s decisions to release or withhold information.
To submit an online Access to Information Request, select the appropriate form from the list below and provide as many details as possible so we can process your request. Information requested on the form is authorized by section 6(1) of the Act. Please narrow the scope and timeframe of your request as much as possible to reduce fees and speed up response time.
We are required to respond within 30 calendar days of receiving the request and application fee. If the request is large, there are a large number of requests, consultation is necessary or third-party notice is required, the timeframe may be extended to a maximum of 60 calendar days.
Types of Requests
- General Access to Information Request - request general information from the City. For access to general information, an application fee of $20 is required. Additional processing fees may be applied and an estimate of those charges will be provided before receiving access to the records.
- Information About Someone Else – request information about someone else. For access to personal information about someone else, an application fee of $20 is required. Additional processing fees may be applied and an estimate of those charges will be provided before receiving access to the records.
- Request your Own Personal Information - Personal information consists of information you personally provided to the City of Regina. Personal information does not include everywhere your name is mentioned in records nor does it include complaints against your property.
To pay your application or processing fee, use the Pay ATIR Fee feature by clicking on the button below. Note you will be taken to a third-party website to process your payment.
Pay ATIR FeeOpens in new window
Other Ways to Apply & Pay
Complete the Access to Information Request Form and submit it to the following:
Access to Information Request FormOpens in new window
- Visit City Hall at 2476 Victoria Avenue. Business hours, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (excluding holidays).
- Acceptable payments include cash, cheque and debit.
- Send your cheque, made payable to the City of Regina to:
City of Regina
Access and Privacy Team
Office of the City Clerk
PO Box 1790
2476 Victoria Avenue
Regina SK S4P 3C8
After-hours Drop Box
- You can pay by cheque using the 24-hour payment drop box located at the front doors of City Hall.
- Please include the memo: Attention Access & Privacy Team, Office of the City Clerk.
- Do not put cash payments in the drop box.
- 306-777-7262
If you have been provided with an access to information request number, please quote it when making payment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will the City release all the information I request?
The City may not be able to release certain information. If information is not released, the City references the section of the Act applied to each exemption. If you are not satisfied with the response, a Request for ReviewOpens in new window may be made to the Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner within one calendar year.
Will my responses be shared online?
Responses to access to information requests may be published to the City of Regina Open Data website at the City’s discretion. Published requests may be made available on the Open Data website a minimum of three business days following release of the records. Your identity as the applicant is protected.