If you are interested in learning more about a multi-family residential development, please see the informational advisory before applying for a pre-application meeting.  Given their novelty, all applicants for multi-family developments must initiate a pre-application meeting to proactively address any issues.  Complete the meeting application, once you are able to provide comprehensive drawings, (Which may include site plans, elevations/floor plans, code analysis, servicing plans, and construction assembly details).  

These meetings are intended to support the development of productive working relationships, improve the quality of applications, and improve the efficiency of plan reviews while remaining within the parameters of Saskatchewan’s legislation.

Pre-application meetings are most often required on commercial projects but may also be beneficial on other large projects. Discussion topics may include interpretation of code or bylaws, clarification of processes, or other topics related to the preparation of an application.

To request a meeting:

  • Complete the Pre-application Meeting Request, outlining the topics of discussion, meeting attendees and the suggested City staff to attend the meeting
  • Ensure your project plans are sufficiently complete to support a productive discussion on the topics (preferably 40% to 60% complete)
  • Send the Pre-application Meeting Request and supporting documents to us using the link below

Once you have requested the meeting, our Permit File Support team will review your documentation and arrange a meeting. Based on the questions submitted, the City will ensure the appropriate resources are available to attend the meeting.

Please submit your meeting request and supporting documents a minimum of one week prior to the requested meeting date. The coordinating design professional must be in attendance.

If your questions do not require an in-person meeting and can be better addressed by phone or email, please contact Service Regina.

Request a Meeting