Find information on what the City is looking for in your submission and the overall process.
When preparing your submission:
- Read the documents thoroughly
- Don't make assumptions. If something isn't clear, ask during the question-and-answer period.
- Review the solicitation documents to determine how your bid will be evaluated.
- Follow the detailed instructions and requested format.
- If evaluators have to search for pertinent information, they may miss it.
- Answer all questions and include all requested pricing information in your submission.
- Mandatory Technical Requirements, or other mandatory items, stated in the competition are pass/fail and must be passed prior to further evaluations of your submission.
- Respond fully to rated criteria – we can only evaluate on the information you have provided.
- Review your pricing to avoid miscalculation.
- When there is a discrepancy, the unit price prevails.
- Understand the stated terms and conditions.
- Read the competition carefully to determine if there is any flexibility for the final contract, or if the terms and conditions must be accepted as received.
- If you have concerns or questions, ask during the question-and-answer period.
- Ensure your submission email is received to the City before the deadline.
Pre-Submission Meetings
For some projects, the City may hold a pre-bid meeting. This meeting allows you the chance to view the locations and/or ask questions and get information about the project from City officials.
Submission Deadlines
Your submission must be submitted and received by the City by the deadline clearly identified within the competition documents. The City will not accept late submissions.
Awarded Opportunities
The City will notify companies who are awarded opportunities by email. Unsuccessful companies may be notified by email and can also view the award posting on the website.
City Council has recently approved an Indigenous Procurement Policy. Effective immediately, this policy puts tools in place to foster greater success for Indigenous-led business growth and development within Regina and area.
The policy outlines a minimum goal of 20 per cent Indigenous procurement. This goal is a step along our journey toward economic reconciliation.
The policy was developed in collaboration with the Indigenous Procurement Advisory Committee (IPAC) who will continue to meet to provide guidance and support in the implementation of the policy to its fullest.
Learn more about the Indigenous Procurement Policy.
Learn more about contractor payment methods, including how to submit invoices and receive payment.
What do I need to provide on my invoice to get paid?
Indicate the following information on your invoice:
- Supplier name and remittance address
- Invoice number
- Invoice amount
- Purchase Order or Blanket Order and Release number (if applicable)
- GST/PST registration number (if applicable)
- Submit individual invoices for payment. The City does not pay from supplier statements.
Why hasn't my invoice been paid?
The most common reason that an invoice has not been paid is because Accounts Payable has not received the invoice. Send invoices by email to
What are the City's payment terms?
Payment terms are typically a part of the terms and conditions of each contract. While payment terms may vary depending on the contract, the City's standard payment term is net 30 days from date of invoice.
I lost my cheque, how do I get it replaced?
If a cheque is lost or stolen, report it to We will then initiate the process of an indemnity agreement to make sure a stop payment has been placed and a replacement cheque is issued.
How do I receive my payment through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)?
Please contact or to request a Supplier Information Form which includes an EFT form. The Supplier Form allows the City to confirm your organization's information is accurate in our payment system and your EFT information has been entered correctly.
Contact Us
For information about a particular tender or general inquiries, send us an email.
Give us a call at one of the numbers listed below.
In Person
City Hall
2476 Victoria Ave
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Procurement & Bidding
Phone: 306-777-7333
Mail: City of Regina Procurement Branch
PO Box 1790
Regina, SK S4P 3C8
Invoices & Accounts Payable
Phone: 306-777-7216
Mail: City of Regina Accounts Payable
PO Box 5095
Regina, SK S4P 3M3