Discover a wide variety of sponsorship opportunities that support parks, recreation, and cultural services programming, as well as other opportunities available to partner with the City in events and community-wide initiatives.
Build lasting brand awareness and loyalty with over 230,000 Regina residents, surrounding area and welcomed visitors, and take the opportunity to strengthen your business image. The City of Regina’s Sponsorship program makes certain that your marketing objectives and investment align with our custom built packages to fit your budget and gain the community exposure you need.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is sponsorship?
Sponsorship is a mutually beneficial business relationship where a corporation or organization provides a rights fee in cash or in a value in kind arrangement for the right to exploit the commercial potential associated with an asset (property) owned by the City.
What can be sponsored?
Various city programs, amenities and facilities are available for sponsorship, including City-wide initiatives. Contact to discuss a custom package that suits your objectives.
Can multiple things be sponsored at a time?
What is the minimum sponsorship amount?
There is no set sponsorship amount. Opportunities are created through discussions with potential partners to assess their needs and to find suitable sponsorship pieces that align best within those needs and budgets
What is the minimum length of sponsorship?
Most advertising/sponsorship agreements are an annual partnership agreement, however, some packages may be created for event specific means under a limited timeline. Multiyear sponsorships are also available.
How are rates determined?
The valuation process took steps using industry accepted standards and values to initially place real market value on each asset. Then those same assets and their value were benchmarked and compared to similar assets at other properties across the region and nation to ensure they are accurate from a comparable measurement standard.
Will local businesses be given any preference?
In the event of a competitive situation between two or more companies with rights fees being equal, the City will defer to the company which aligns best to the values and priorities of the City.
Where can I find a list of what’s available?
Sponsorships are created through consultation and discussions with our Sponsorship team. For information of areas of potential partnerships, contact the Sponsor program at
Can a community organization be a sponsor?
Yes. The city of Regina will work with community organizations to determine suitable and availability of sponsorship opportunities for them.
Contact Us
For more information, send us an email:
Use our online request form: