Revitalizing our downtown and older neighbourhoods has many benefits including improving your property value, attracting future investment, improving our city’s financial and environmental sustainability and creating safer, more connected, affordable and vibrant communities for everyone.
The City provides financial incentives to assist developers with financing Intensification projects, encouraging residential, commercial and mixed-use intensification in established areas of the city.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Intensified Developments may be residential, commercial or mixed-use
- The Intensified Development must be located within the boundaries of the Incentive Target Area (view the interactive map below).
- The Intensified Development must incur a minimum of $5,000 in total eligible project costs
- The portion of the property undergoing Intensified Development must not have received an Intensification Grant or Intensification Tax Incentive within the preceding 10 years.
Eligible Costs:
- Construction
- Site serviceability study or report
- Environmental consulting fees for any required environmental study or assessment
- Site remediation
- Shadow analysis
- Traffic impact assessment
- Constructing/upgrading of any on-site improvement that is required to fulfill any condition of a development/planning approval for an Intensified Development
- Constructing/upgrading of any off-site improvement that is required to fulfill any condition of a development/planning approval for an Intensified Development
- Demolition costs, including:
- Utility disconnection fees
- Cost of demolishing, removing material and filling & leveling of the excavation to an elevation compatible with abutting properties
- Site fencing costs during demolition
- Landfill tipping fees
- Demolition permit fees
- Completion of a Hazardous Materials Survey
- Other related demolition costs to be considered at the discretion of the Executive Director
Additionally, certain development fees associated with intensification projects in the target area will be waived. For more information, see the Development Permit Application Fee Bylaw.
Use our interactive map below to input the address of your property to determine if it falls within the eligible boundary area.
Further details on the Intensification Incentive Program can be found in the Intensification Incentive Policy.
The City provides financial support for property and business owners to make exterior improvements to their property, building code compliance improvements and other improvements contributing to revitalization and beautification within established areas of the city.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Projects may be for existing commercial, mixed-use or residential buildings.
- Properties or buildings must be located within the boundaries of the Incentive Target Area (view the interactive map below).
- Revitalization projects must incur a minimum of $5,000 in total eligible project costs defined in Section 4.8 Eligible Project Costs of the Revitalization Incentive Policy.
- The portion of the property undergoing revitalization must not have received a Revitalization Grant or Revitalization Tax Incentive within the preceding 10 years.
Eligible Costs:
- Building façade or exterior improvements, including:
- New or improved awnings, decorative stone or other finishing material improvements to the exterior of a building
- Development of back-alley business access
- New or improved eavestroughs, rain gutters, soffits, fascia, bargeboard and other materials that direct rainwater
- Non-portable business name signage affixed to the exterior of the building
- Entryway improvements, such as: decorative elements, accessible entrance improvements, steps and exterior seating
- Long-lasting landscaping on private property including tree plantings, shrubs, soil, mulch, grass, statuary, rain gardens and perennial vegetation to a maximum of $3,000 per application
- Decorative lighting affixed to the exterior street front of the building that is ornamental and installed for aesthetic effect
- Replacement of cornices, parapets or other architectural features
- Costs to demolish an existing building and replace it with a new building of the same land use (i.e, “like for like”). Demolition costs include:
- Utility disconnection fees
- Cost of demolishing, removing material and filling & leveling of the excavation to an elevation compatible with abutting properties
- Site fencing costs during demolition
- Landfill tipping fees
- Demolition permit fees
- Completion of a Hazardous Materials Survey
- Other related demolition costs to be considered at the discretion of the Executive Director
- Interior improvements required to bring a building into compliance with The National Fire Code of Canada 2020, The Construction Codes Act, The Electrical Inspections Act or The Gas Inspections Act for one of the following reasons:
- To correct an imminent health or safety issue identified by a qualified professional (See the Revitalization Incentive Policy for a list of possible improvements); or
- To support a building permit for a “change of land use” or new development in an existing building or space.
- Eligible costs for construction include:
- Construction costs;
- Building code assessments or related reports;
- Site serviceability studies or reports; and
- Constructing/upgrading of any on-site or off-site improvement that is required to fulfill any condition of a development/planning approval for code compliance work
Use our interactive map below to input the address of your property to determine if it falls within the eligible boundary area.
Further details on the Intensification Incentive Program can be found in the Revitalization Incentive Policy.
Contact Us
If you have questions about the Intensification Incentive Program or the Revitalization Incentive Program, please email
Other Incentives
In addition to the new Intensification and Revitalization Incentive Programs, the City offers other financial incentives such as the Housing Incentives Program and the Heritage Incentives Program that also support investment in the city centre and established neighbourhoods.
Last year, the City also removed the Intensification Levy city-wide as part of our efforts to remove barriers to development in established areas.
Find commonly asked questions related to the incentive programs.
What is the difference between grants and tax exemptions?
A grant is a one-time payment whereas a tax exemption is an annual exemption of municipal, library and education levies on a property. Other taxes still apply, such as laneway improvement charges and business improvement district levies. Tax exemptions also require approval by Council and the education portion of the tax exemption may require additional approval by the Provincial Government. Depending what the taxes are on the property, the grant may offer more support up front, but the tax exemption is not capped at $50,000 so it may be worth more over the exemption period. It is up to you to decide which one best suits your needs.
What is intensification?
Intensification is the construction of new buildings or additions to existing buildings on serviced land within existing built areas of the city that result in more residential units or an increase in area of commercial, institutional or office. Intensification includes:
- Development on vacant land
- Addition to an existing building
- Building conversion (redevelopment of an existing non-residential building into a residential building)
For more information, see Growth and Intensification on our Planning page.
What is revitalization?
Revitalization refers to the renewal of existing areas. In regard to the incentive program, revitalization refers to cosmetic improvements to existing structures or replacing dilapidated structures entirely to improve the appeal of the neighbourhood, as well as bringing properties up to building and fire codes.
Why is intensification important?
Intensification of a city has many benefits:
- Creates complete, more connected and vibrant communities – a sense of place for people
- Increases availability of diverse housing options for people of all ages and stages of life
- Fosters economic prosperity with a new customer base for local businesses and employment opportunities for residents
- Creates financial sustainability through new tax revenue and larger tax base per hectare
- Promotes active transportation and more choice (walking, cycling, transit), leading to decreased traffic emissions and a healthier population
- Creates cost savings and efficiencies in use of land, infrastructure and services like transit already in place
- Ensures the population needed for neighbourhood schools and amenities to stay open
- Improves safety with less “dead space” and more “eyes on the street”
How do I know which incentive program to apply for?
Please review the Eligibility Criteria for each program found on this page to determine where your project is a fit. If you have further questions, email us at
What if there is no remaining grant funding by the time I apply?
Grants are committed on a first-come, first-served basis. If there is no funding remaining for grants when we receive your application, you may be offered a tax exemption instead.
If I renovate my home, will it qualify for capital incentives?
Potentially. If the work is solely for exterior restoration or improvement, then no. If you are doing work to bring a building in to code compliance, you may be eligible for revitalization incentives including for exterior improvement work.
If my project is already underway, can I apply for incentives?
You can, but with limitations. The Intensification Incentive Program will only include costs incurred after the application is approved. If your project is already started, the work done to date may not be eligible. The exception to this is certain pre-development work such as site serviceability studies, environmental assessments and others. You can refer to the policies for a full list. The Revitalization Incentive Program will consider costs incurred up to one year prior to application so you may be able to apply even after your project is complete.
Can I apply for both programs with the same project?
Yes, with limitations. If your project is eligible under more than one program, the City will make the final decision on whether it can be included under both programs and what costs are included under which program. A project may not be eligible to receive tax exemptions under both programs. Contact us at for further information.
If I still owe back taxes to the City or have standing orders against my property, will I still qualify for incentives?
Unfortunately, no. Applicants and property owners that have taxes or other charges past due to the City of Regina, or which have outstanding orders are not eligible for support under these policies.