City of Regina
Request for Farmland Lease Offers Guidelines
The City of Regina invites those wishing to enter into a five (5) year Lease agreement for Portions of the NE 03 18-19-2 Ext 0 & SE 03-18-19-2 Ext 2 containing approximately 218 acres as referenced on the Appendix A.
1) Sealed submissions must be provided in writing on the attached “Form FLL”.
2) The lease term shall be for the 2025-2029 farming seasons.
3) Offers will be evaluated beginning Monday, February 10, 2025. To be considered in the initial review, please have your offer submitted to the City of Regina Real Estate Branch prior to 2:00 p.m. Friday, February 7, 2025. The Request for offers will remain open until all lands are leased.
4) Form FLL must be completed in its entirety including an expiry date not less than 30 days from the date of your offer.
5) The Lessee will be responsible for all costs associated with farming the lands.
6) The City of Regina shall be responsible for the annual property taxes payable to the R.M. of Sherwood.
7) The Lessee has the discretion to farm the land as they see fit but are requested to indicate the types of crops proposed over the upcoming five years. There is an expectation to maintain normal farm management practices that would include the control of weeds and re-establishing soil nutrients for the future seeding
8) The lessee will be responsible to arrange access on and off the property and must ensure that their equipment will fit on existing roads and driveways. Permits required for oversized equipment to gain access to this location is the lessee’s responsibility.
9) The lessee will provide a certificate of insurance in the amount and coverage as required by the formal lease agreement with the City named as a co-insured.
10) The lessee will provide an emergency response plan in case of an environmental spill or fire.
11) The City of Regina reserves the right to adjust the amount of land available from one cropping season to the next based on City of Regina land requirements at this location. The City of Regina will only consider compensation for crop loss should the City identify land requirements after March 20th for that year, which will negatively impact the lessee. The lessee will be required to provide evidence of loss.
12) Form FLL must be accompanied by a deposit (certified cheque or money order) in an amount of ten percent (10%) of the annual bid. Deposits will be returned to unsuccessful bidders.
13) Enquiries regarding this property should be directed to:
City of Regina Real Estate Branch
City Hall
2476 Victoria Avenue
P: 306-777-7275
14) Your offer must be marked as FARMLAND LEASE on the outside of a sealed envelope, delivered to the following address:
City of Regina Real Estate Branch
Attn: Real Estate Manager
City Hall
P.O. Box 1790
Regina, SK
S4P 3C8
15) If the City of Regina accepts your offer, you will be required to execute a formal “Lease Agreement”, a sample of which is attached as Schedule “A”. Please review this carefully before submitting an offer.
16) All information about the Property supplied by The City of Regina is for guidance only, and City of Regina is not responsible for errors or omissions in that information. In submitting an offer, you rely entirely upon your own personal inspection or knowledge of the Property, independent of any representation made by or on behalf of City of Regina. All land being offered in this farm lease is in an “as is” condition, with irregular land surface, no specified quality or quantity of crop production is indicated, and the land may have foreign materials or hazards to farming equipment. The City of Regina will not be held responsible for damage to equipment.
17) The City of Regina will review all offers and will select the one that is most advantageous to The City of Regina.
18) The City of Regina will not be responsible for: (a) any costs you incur in preparing your offer or in negotiating and documenting the lease of the Property, or, (b) any costs related to the operation of farming the land.