Property taxes help fund essential City services and valuable programs that make Regina a great place to live.

Paying Your Taxes

The property tax deadline is June 30, 2025. There are a variety of payment options. Late payment penalty of 1.5% per month is applied to accounts with outstanding balances after June 30. Penalties do not apply if you participate in the Tax Installment Payment Plan Service (TIPPS) program.

Pay using TIPPS

The Tax Installment Payment Plan Service (TIPPS) allows you to pay your taxes in 12 monthly installments.

Enrollment on the program can occur at any time. If you are enrolling for the following year, be sure to have your account balance paid off by December 15. If your start month is after January, your first installment will be adjusted with a “catch up” amount to ensure there is no balance remaining on the account at the end of the year.

Withdrawals are made on the first business day of each month and payments are automatically updated when the new mill rate is set. TIPPS payments are non-refundable.

Applying for TIPPS

  1. Sign up for Tax and Assessment eProperty, register the property you wish to enroll and follow the steps to sign up for TIPPS. To sign up for eProperty, you will need an access code. If you do not know your access code, please email to request one. Your access code will be mailed to you. For security reasons, access codes cannot be emailed or provided over the phone. 
  2. Print and complete the TIPPS Application Form, attach a "void" cheque or bank verification form, and:
    • Email to
    • Deliver in person at City Hall at the Service Regina desk on the main floor of City Hall. 
    • Mail to City of Regina "TIPPS" PO Box 1790 Regina, SK S4P 3C8

Withdrawing from TIPPS

You can withdraw from TIPPS online through eProperty or by providing the TIPPS Cancellation Form to the Property Revenue Services Branch up to three business days prior to the next scheduled payment.

Change your TIPPS Banking Information

You can change the bank account used for your TIPPS payment online through eProperty or by providing the TIPPS Banking Information Change Form, to the City of Regina. Include a "void" cheque or banking information of the new account.

Moving to a New Home

TIPPS participation is not transferable if you sell your home. Make sure you cancel your previous property and enroll your new property on TIPPS.

Update Your Property Tax Account

Update Your Mailing Address

The City of Regina obtains its mailing address for new owners from the address that is registered on the title with Information Services Corporation (ISC).

You can update your mailing address information through eProperty or by completing the Mailing Address Change Form and mailing it to the City of Regina, PO Box 1790, Regina, SK, S4P 3C8. Each owner of the property must fill out and sign the form and list all the properties for which you require the mailing address updated.

Update Your School Tax Declaration

The school tax designation is a declaration of faith. This declaration will apply to all the properties you own. You can update your school tax declaration online through eProperty or you can complete either the Individual Education Tax Declaration Form or the Organization Education Tax Declaration Form and mail to the City of Regina, PO Box 1790, Regina, SK, S4P 3C8.

If you do not complete a school tax declaration with the City of Regina, the individual is deemed to be a tax payer of the public school system under The Education Act.

Your Property Tax Notice

The City collects payments for all tax authorities that receive a portion of your tax dollars including the Library, Education and City. Your property tax notice is a statement of how much you owe for the current year.

View a Property Tax Notice Example

View a TIPPS User’s Property Tax Notice Example

Supplementary Tax Notice

If you make changes to your home that affect the assessment, you may also receive a Supplementary Tax Notice in addition to your Tax Bill. This notice represents a change in your taxes for a portion of the year.

If you have questions about your Tax Notice, please call 306-777-7000.

Property Tax Penalties & Accounts in Arrears

Tax accounts with outstanding balances after the June 30 tax deadline are subject to a 1.50% monthly late payment penalty. Penalties do not apply to accounts on the TIPPS program.

Property taxes that remain unpaid after December 31 are declared in arrears and the monthly penalty increases to 1.75%.

In accordance with the Tax Enforcement Act, property addresses and outstanding amounts are advertised in the Leader Post, prior to registering a tax lien against a property and taking title.

Calculating Property Tax

The taxation year (City’s fiscal year) is the same as the calendar year, January 1 to December 31. Property Taxes are calculated by applying Mill Rates and Mill Rate Factors to Assessment Values. To help you do the calculations, try out our Tax Estimate Calculator.

The property tax calculation is shown in the following formula:

Taxable Assessment

Taxable Assessment = Assessed Value × Provincial Percentage

Taxing Authorities

Municipal Levy = Taxable Assessment × Municipal Mill Rate × Mill Rate Factor ÷ 1000

Library Levy = Taxable Assessment × Library Mill Rate × Mill Rate Factor ÷ 1000

School Levy = Taxable Assessment × School Mill Rate ÷ 1000

Net Levy

Net Levy = Municipal Levy + Library Levy + School Levy

Your property tax bill can also include the following:

  • Laneway charges
  • Local improvement levies
  • Outstanding account balances
  • Business Improvement District Tax
  • Costs incurred by the City to do bylaw work related to untidy/unsightly land, noxious weeds,
  • Junked vehicles, or fire damage
  • Phase-in adjustments (commercial and industrial class properties only)

Provincial Percentages

The provincial percentage is a factor set by the Province of Saskatchewan to adjust the assessment used as the basis for calculating property tax.

Property Classes and Provincial Percentages

Below is a chart listing the property classes and provincial percentages applicable for 2024.

  Provincial Percentage
Residential 80%
Multi-Unit Residential 80%
Commercial/Industrial 85%
Agricultural 55%
Railway/Pipeline 85%
Resource 85%

Tax Policies and Mill Rates

After the Province, Regina Separate School Division, Regina Public Library Board and City determine their annual budgets, the City uses the mill rates (also known as tax rates) and council-approved tax policies to calculate your property tax. Tax policies are set by Council and can impact the amount of property taxes paid. For example: during a revaluation, City Council reviews its current tax policies and any other tax policy options available.

The Province sets the tax policy for education property tax, including Province-wide mill rates to calculate the education tax for all properties.

Mill Rate

The tax per dollar of assessed value of property. The rate is expressed in "mills", where one mill is one-tenth of a cent ($0.001). Mill rates are set by each taxing authority to raise the revenue required by their budget.

Mill Rates for 2024:

  Municipal Library School




















Golf Courses












Mill Rate Factor

A mill rate factor is a tax policy tool used to redistribute the amount of total taxes paid by each property class and subclass. Changes to a mill rate factor will not increase or decrease the total amount of taxes collected annually by the Province, Regina Separate School Division, Regina Public Library Board or City.

Mill Rate Factors for 2024:

  Mill Rate Factor
Residential 0.91034
Residential Condominium 0.91034
Multi-Family 0.91034
Agriculture 1.24950
Commercial/Industrial 1.24950
Golf Courses 0.81197
Railway/Pipelines 1.24950
Resource 1.24950

Business Improvement Districts

The City of Regina collects tax on behalf of Business Improvement Districts (BID).

There are two BIDs in Regina. The first is called Regina Downtown and includes the area between Osler Street to Albert Street and Saskatchewan Drive to Victoria Avenue. The second is called the Regina Warehouse District and includes the area surrounding Dewdney Avenue from Albert Street to Broad Street.

BID Mill Rates for 2024:

  BID Mill Rates
Regina Downtown 0.82140
Regina Warehouse District 0.82140

*Only applies to commercial properties located in the Business Improvement District Areas

Tax Phase-In

This is a tax policy tool used to phase in tax changes resulting from revaluation. Phase-in is not applied to changes in the tax rate resulting from the annual budget or changes to the property's assessment because of new construction, renovations or demolitions.

For the 2021 Revaluation, a phase-in adjustment was approved for commercial and industrial class properties. The approved adjustments are:

  • 1/3 of the tax change applied for 2021
  • 2/3 of the tax change applied for 2022
  • 100% of the tax change applied for 2023

Base Tax

Under the provincial legislation, Saskatchewan municipalities can adopt a base tax as one of their tax policies. A base tax can only be applied to municipal taxes; it does not change the calculation for the school and library portion of the tax bill.

Base Tax + [(Taxable Assessment × Municipal Mill Rate × Mill Rate Factor) ÷ 1000]

Implementing a base tax increases the property tax paid on lower-assessed properties and decreases the property tax paid on higher-assessed properties. A base tax does not increase or decrease the total taxes collected by the City.

Minimum Tax

Under the provincial legislation, Saskatchewan municipalities can adopt a minimum tax as one of their tax policies. This is to establish a minimum amount of tax with respect to any property and can only be applied to municipal taxes.

Municipal Taxes = (Taxable Assessment × Municipal Mill Rate × Mill Rate Factor) ÷ 1000

If the above calculation is lower than the minimum tax, the minimum tax amount would be applied to the property. If the calculation is higher than the minimum tax, the calculated amount would be applied to the property.

Property Tax Exemptions for Community Non-Profit Organizations

Each year, the City considers requests for property tax exemptions from non-profit organizations. The Community Non-Profit Tax Exemption Policy has been approved to help guide these decisions and ensure a fair, consistent, and transparent process. The Community Non-Profit Tax Exemption Policy was established effective January 1, 2019, and has been updated effective October 9, 2024.

The purpose of the Community Non-Profit Tax Exemption Policy is to:

  • Set the parameters under which the City or Regina will consider applications for property tax exemptions from non-profit organizations with financial need;
  • Provide fair, consistent treatment and consideration for all applicants providing non-profit and charitable services for the benefit of Regina residents;
  • Support the services and organizations in financial need that further Council’s priorities, as outlined in The Community Safety & Well-Being (CSWB) Plan, Design Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw 2013-48 (OCP), and other plans that support initiatives that have a clear community impact and respond to community needs; and
  • Define clear guidelines for granting tax exemptions to organizations for which the burden resulting from the tax exemption is a justifiable expense to the taxpayers of Regina.


To be eligible for a tax exemption, an organization must conform to the following principles and meet all the requirements of the Community Non-Profit Tax Exemption Policy. These requirements include:

  • Compliance with municipal policies, bylaws, codes, and legislation;
  • Must be a non-profit or charitable organization;
  • A purpose or mandate that aligns with Council priorities and objectives;
  • Accessibility to the public; and
  • Demonstration of financial need/impact.

Application Process

Applicants must submit the following by the deadline to be considered for the following taxation year:

  • A completed application for Community Non-Profit Tax Exemption
  • Supporting documents
  • A completed CNPTEP Performance Metrics spreadsheet - this document helps demonstrate how the funding is being used to support organizations in achieving outcomes that align with and contribute to the achievement of the City’s Strategic Priorities.

The application period is not yet open for the 2026 year.

For more details about the program, submission requirements, and to learn about evaluation criteria, review the CNPTEP Application Support Guide.

Administration will review applications under the Community Non-Profit Tax Exemption Policy and make recommendations to Council. All recipients of property tax exemptions from the City are required to make public acknowledgment of the tax exemption.

Tax exemptions are dependent on the annual budget set by City Council and will be shared once known.

For further information, email or call 306-777-7133.

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