Social Development Stream Objectives
Advance Reconciliation, Anti-Racism and Support to Equity-Deserving Communities
- Directly address the Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action or the Calls for Justice for Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people (MMIWG2S)
- Address racism and discrimination
- Provide safe(r), more accessible and inclusive spaces and services for equity-deserving groups, such as First Nations, Métis, Inuit, 2SLGBTQIAP+ people, ethnocultural minorities, newcomers, people with disabilities/disabled people, older adults, and youth.
Improve Food Security and Sustainability
- Increase access to diverse, healthy, and culturally appropriate food
- Strengthen food systems
- Promote opportunities towards food sovereignty including urban agriculture
Increase the Safety of Substance Use and Access to Addictions Support
- Prevent and reduce harms and stigma associated with substance use
- Connect active users and their families to appropriate addiction supports
Prevent and Respond to Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence
- Establish or improve supports and services for survivors, perpetrators, and their families to facilitate healing
- Emergency response supports for those fleeing situations of domestic violence and intimate partner violence
- Recognize and prevent domestic and intimate partner violence
Enhance Community Safety
- Focus on upstream prevention and early intervention to reduce risks and improve community wellbeing
- Engage community members and neighbourhoods to respond to incidents and help improve safety
We strongly recommend applicants contact Community Investments at the City of Regina to determine which grant or funding stream is most appropriate for their organization or specific initiative. In some cases, applicants may be eligible to apply for more than one grant.
Community Partner Grant
Community Partner grants provide up to four years of core operation and core program funding to non-profit organizations that play a unique, strategic and essential role in the community.
Note: All applicants looking to apply for Community Partner status must have been previously funded for three consecutive years through the Community Investments "Annual Activity Grant" Program.
New Applicants
Organizations wishing to apply for a Community Partner grant must first meet with a Coordinator in the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department to discuss eligibility requirements. City of Regina Administration will direct the organization to the most appropriate stream, as well as provide the organization with the Community Partner Application Form.
Application Deadline (Social Development):
- See application form for deadline
Grant Recipients:
For more information contact Community Investments at 306-777-7507 or email
Annual Activity Grant
Annual Activity grants provide funding for eligible recurring or ongoing activities offered by non-profit organizations.
There are two levels of funding available through this grant program:
- Minor Funding: Up to $10,000, for initiatives that are completed within 12 months.
- Major Funding: Over $10,000 and up to $30,000, for initiatives that are completed within 12 months. Special exceptions can be made for grants that have a unique nature and demonstrate that it will take longer than 12 months to complete. In some cases, organizations may receive approval to spend their allocated funds over a period of up to 24 months.
New Applicants
If your organization is looking to receive funding for recurring ongoing events or series/season, apply for an Annual Activity grant. We encourage your organization to refer to the New Initiative/Annual Activity Guidelines before completing an application form.
Application Deadline:
- The deadline for 2025 applications is February 6, 2025, at 4:45 p.m.
Applications Forms:
- Download the 2025 Annual Activity Grant Application Form.
The Social Development Grant Review Committee reviews applications for the Annual Activity Grant program.
Grant Recipients:
If you require more information contact Community Investments at 306-777-7507 or email
Returning Applicants
If your organization received funding last year through this program, you are required to submit an Annual Activity Funding Report.
Funding Report Deadline (Social Development):
- See application form for deadline
If you have not received your Annual Activity Funding Report, please contact Community Investments at 306-777-7507 or email
New Initiative Grant
New Initiative grants provide funding for eligible initiatives offered by non-profit organizations.
There are two levels of funding available through this grant program:
- Minor Funding: Up to $10,000, for initiatives that are completed within 12 months.
- Major Funding: Over $10,000 and up to $30,000, for initiatives that are completed within 12 months. Special exceptions can be made for grants that have a unique nature and demonstrate that it will take longer than 12 months to complete. In some cases, organizations may receive approval to spend their allocated funds over a period of up to 24 months.
New Applicants
If your organization is looking to receive funding for one-time or first-time programs/projects, organizational development or capital initiatives, apply for a New Initiative grant. We encourage your organization to refer to the New Initiative/Annual Activity Guidelines before completing an application form.
Application Deadline:
- The deadline for 2025 applications is February 6, 2025, at 4:45 p.m.
Applications Forms:
- Download the 2025 New Initiative Grant Application Form.
The Social Development Grant Review Committee reviews applications for the New Initiative Grant program.
Grant Recipients:
Returning Applicants
If your organization received funding last year through this program, you are required to report on your year of activities. This report is to be submitted within 90 days of the completion of the initiative.
Follow-up Reports:
- 2025 New Initiative Follow-up Report
- 2024 New Initiative Follow-up Report
- 2023 New Initiative Follow-up Report
If you require more information contact Community Investments at 306-777-7507 or email
Emergency Treatment Fund Grant
In October 2024, the federal government announced the Emergency Treatment Fund (ETF) to address the opioid and toxic drug supply crisis. After engaging with the community, the Administration applied for a program focused on enhanced mobile, peer-supported outreach. Regina-based non-profits can now apply for funding to purchase vehicles and safe supplies through the Emergency Treatment Fund Grant.
The first phase of the funding is to be completed by March 31, 2025, and will provide transportation funding and safe supplies funding for community outreach programs that need vehicles to transport their clients to receive support services.
Eligible organizations may request either $54,000 in funding (for one vehicle) or $108,000 (for two vehicles). The funding provided must result in the purchase of (a) vehicle(s). Funded organizations are therefore responsible, if required, for supplying additional funds required to support the full purchase of a vehicle.
Eligible organizations may request a maximum of $2000 each for safe supplies.
Deadline & Timeline
Due to the urgent nature of this funding, the review, adjudication, and approval of the process will follow an expedited timeline. The planned approval timelines are as follows:
- Grant Application Deadline: March 14, 2025
- Grant Adjudication: March 18, 2025
- Notification of Results: March 19, 2025
- Funding Dispersed: within 10 days of receipt of signed Grant Agreement
- Download the Program Guidelines and Application Form.
- Please note the guidelines and application have been updated as of March 6, 2025. Please ensure your submission adheres to any changes highlighted in yellow.
For more information, contact Community Investments at 306-777-7507 or email
Harm Reduction Grant
The Harm Reduction Grant is designed to promote the well-being of individuals and communities in Regina through increased access to harm reduction interventions. This grant will allow community-based organizations to fund existing or new harm reduction initiatives that support vulnerable community members and reduce harm associated with drug use in our city.
There are two levls of funding available through this grant program:
- Minor Funding: up to $50,000
- Major Funding: up to $150,000
New & Returning Applicants
We encourage your organization to refer to the 2024 Harm Reduction Grant Guidelines before filling out an application form. Organizations can apply for:
- New programs/projects/services
- Support for existing programs/projects/services, and/or
- Capital initiatives, including renovations and capital equipment
Application Deadline:
- See application form for deadline
Application Form:
Follow-up Reports:
Grant Recipients:
If you have any questions or require more information, contact Community Investments at 306-777-7507 or email
Adapted Sport & Recreation Grant
The Adapted Sport & Recreation Grant is designed to support projects and initiatives that enhance inclusion and increase accessibility in sport and recreation for people with disabilities. This is one-time funding that will allow organizations to try something new, or make accessibility-related changes to existing programs, services or facilities.
Organizations can apply for:
- Accessibility audits
- New programs/projects/services,
- One-time support for existing programs/projects/services,
- Capital initiatives including renovations and equipment purchase, and events
Application Deadline:
- See application form for deadline
Guidelines & Application:
Follow-up Report:
Grant Recipients:
Learn more about additional Funding Opportunities for Accessible Recreation.